Friday, February 15, 2008

At Home Furniture Home Decor Tips

With any decorating project, start with something that inspires you. Use a piece of fabric, a pillow, a rug or a piece of wrapping paper for that matter. It does not matter what inspires you as long as it makes you feel good. Carry it in your car or purse so that you can pull it out when you are shopping. Your object of inspiration will help you create a mood and color pallet for your room. You will then to begin to find pictures, lamps, and other accessories that will tie the room together. Remember, using many textures and correlating patterns will make your room more interesting and inviting.

Look for wasted space in a room. We added a window seat to a large bay window. You might have a little corner that would benefit from a small lamp table and lamp. Or, you might consider adding a bench in a hall or under a window. Create beautiful places around your home for your eye to rest. When hanging pictures over tables, remember that they are part of the furniture grouping and should not be hung too high.

Floating furniture in a room can add interest and functionality. Find the focal point in the room, a fireplace, a television or a beautiful view, and create a conversation grouping around it. U shaped patterns, L shaped patterns are inviting and allow for plenty of seating. Make sure the that there are varying heights in the room. Doors and windows create height as well as book cases and well placed pictures and mirrors. Incorporate technology into your decorating. Enclose a TV in a beautiful wall unit or frame a flat screen with a nice frame. This will soften it’s cold, hard lines and it will blend better with the rest of the room.

via: Hothomes